Saturday, January 26, 2013

If I had the means and knowledge to conduct research studies about any topic in the Early Childhood field, It would choose to look into childhood obesity.  Childhood obesity can have a harmful effect on the body and mind in a variety of ways.  Obese children are more like;y to have:
  • High blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 
  • Increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea, and asthma.
  • Joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort.
  • Obese children and adolescents have a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as dissemination and poor self-esteem, which can continue into adulthood.
Today, many children are quickly diagnosed with childhood obesity,  As an educator, I would like to be able to research information about this topic more and see what answers research could provide.  I would like to find out the negative impacts childhood obesity have on the well-being of children and the negative impact childhood obesity have on the learning abilities of the children.

I think that research such as this would benefit children, families and educators.  I feel it could help educators, because it could help us to learn new ways to enhance and support young children's healthy development and learning abilities.  Other positive benefits could include ways that educators can help young children to become more physical active, by being effective supportive to the disease and using appropriate resources that would help them to live a long healthy life, and succeed academically by having a healthy brain.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Childhood Obesity is a good topic in early childhood education programs; children should eat right, and get plenty of rest. These are some pretty good issues parents should consider to help children perform better in the classroom. Teachers are a powerful source in children’s lives and we can help them with better eating habits to help them live healthier lives. “This is a passion. This is my mission. I am determined to work with folks across this country to change the way a generation of kids thinks about food and nutrition”. –First Lady Michelle Obama

  3. Childhood obesity is an excellent topic. One that is often overlooked and not taken as seriously as it should be. You made some very valid points about this issue and I would certainly like to know more about childhood obesity as well.

  4. Sherrine that is such a great topic! Last year I had about three little ones that was larger than my 8 year old daughter! I would have never thought about that and as Towanda stated that topic is often overlooked. I guess that's another reason why physical education should never be on the chopping block!
