Saturday, June 30, 2012

Childbirth in Your Life and Around the World

I was 23 years old when I had my first birthing experience. From the day I found out I was pregnant I was so excited. Immediately I change things about my everyday well being. I started to eat healthy, read more books, and safety proof my apartment. As I travel down memory lane, I can remember the day I went into labor. I started having contractions early in the morning; at least that is what I thought they were. I went to my doctor and told him that I was having contractions; my doctor explained to me that I may be having Braxton-Hicks contractions. Braxton-Hicks contractions are something like false labor pains, although it does not mean the baby is coming. The doctor checked me to see how far I had dilated. Low and behold the doctor became shock to know that a baby was about to be born in his office. He hurry and had me transported to the hospital where I had a beautiful 7lbs 4oz little girl.

My thoughts regarding birth and child development are very important to me. The expecting mother has to make sure that she takes care of hr self as well as the unborn child. The mother goes through three trimesters during pregnancy that cause the mother to follow some strict guidelines to ensure the baby is healthy. The mother has to start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as possible to contain folic acid, calcium, and iron. The doctor will explain to you the risk of not taking prenatal vitamins. The baby can be born with birth defects. Birth defects will cause an impact on the child development.

 I have a friend that lives in China; she shared with me the difference of having a baby in China. My friend shared with me that when a baby is born he/she is considered to be one year old at the time of birth. The mother is order to be in confinement for 40 days and not allowed to eat cold foods or take cold bathes. Also the mother has to wear layers of clothes to keep their body temperature to a certain degree. I can’t imagine not being able to eat ice cream after having a baby.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

NAEYC and DEC codes of Ethics

1-2.3 - To respect the dignity of each family and it's culture, customs, and beliefs.

                                              -NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct-

  • This code of ethic is very important to me because; in order to be successful in the educational field we must learn to respect others belief first.
1-1.3 - To recognize and respect the uniqueness and the potential of each child. 

                                             -NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct-

  • As an educator it is my duty to recognize that all my students are unique in different ways.  I must respect their uniqueness in order to meet the needs of each one of them.

We shall build relationships with individual children and families while individualizing the curricula and learning environments to facilitate young children's development and learning.

                                             -DEC Code of Ethical Conduct-

  • It is important to me as an educator to work on building relationships with the children and families in order to implement the curriculum to enhance young children's development and learning.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Growing Your Collection of Resources

Position Statements and Influential Practices
Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being
Selected Early Childhood Organizations
Additional Resources
  • Norris, J,. 2002. Teaching Young Children. Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
  • Feldman, R., 2006. Development Across the Life Span. Pearson Prentice Hall
  • Charlesworth, R., Lind, K., & Fleege, P., 2003. Math and Science for Young Children 4th ED. Thomson Delmar Learning